
Autumn has arrived…. fingers crossed there will be lots of sunny autumnal days over the half term break.

Language does not develop in a vacuum… we don’t need to be in a therapy room or at a table to learn language

So let’s get out and about and talk….

Follow Your Child’s Lead: Talk about what they are interested in. What motivates them?

Get down to their level

Add/ Expand on your child’s utterances:

  • If your child is using no words label the items they are interested in. What are they currently doing to communicate? Try and build on this.

  • If your child says one word, e.g. leaf, adult: “more leaves”, “leaf fall”, “red leaf”, “leaf on tree”, etc

Reduce Questions: Try and give at least 4 comments to every question.

Have a great Half Term.

Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd. ………because Speech Therapy Matters