Autumn has arrived…. fingers crossed there will be lots of sunny autumnal days over the half term break.
Language does not develop in a vacuum… we don’t need to be in a therapy room or at a table to learn language
So let’s get out and about and talk….
Follow Your Child’s Lead: Talk about what they are interested in. What motivates them?
Get down to their level
Add/ Expand on your child’s utterances:
If your child is using no words label the items they are interested in. What are they currently doing to communicate? Try and build on this.
If your child says one word, e.g. leaf, adult: “more leaves”, “leaf fall”, “red leaf”, “leaf on tree”, etc
Reduce Questions: Try and give at least 4 comments to every question.
Have a great Half Term.
Sarah Winstanley, SaLT
Communication Lincs Ltd. ………because Speech Therapy Matters