Tonight don’t forget to look at the sky (sunset tonight is approx 4pm in Stamford, Lincs). Jupiter and Saturn are set to move so close together that they'll appear to merge - forming a "Christmas star”.
Star Activities:
Why not get out your craft items and make a star to put in your window
Read Oliver Jeffers “How to catch a star” book. Or why not listen to an audio version on YouTube. Or listen to Oliver Jeffers reading his books during lockdown
Sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
If you have some glow in the dark stars stick them to the underside of your table to make your own stary sky and then put a blanket over the table. Lie under the table and enjoy your own starry night. (Make sure the stars have been exposed to some light. A torch would work) Or use some fairy lights to create the night sky.
Why not learn the order of the planets: There are lots of rhymes to help you recall the order, e.g. “Many Very Elderly Men Just Snooze Under Newspapers”. Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune
Use a star cookie cutter to make star shaped snacks, e.g. star sandwiches, melons, cheese, apples, biscuits
Make a rocket out of all those spare toilet rolls and zoom- zoom up to the moon and stars
Do some star jumps
Above all have FUN
by Sarah Winstanley, SaLT
Comunication Lincs Ltd. ……….because Speech Therapy Matters