Play Pooh Sticks

It’s National Pooh Bear Day so it would be rude not to. Pooh sticks is a simple game which can be played on any bridge over running water. Each player drops their stick into the water on the count of 3 or you could use Ready, Steady, Go. The winner is the stick that appears on the other side of the bridge.

Talk about the water - is it going fast or slow?

Did the stick float or sink?

Does a stone sink or float?

Can you see your reflection?

Did any sticks get stuck?

Wave bye-bye to your stick as it floats off down the river…

Where might it end up? Have a look at a map to see where the river goes.

At bath time or using a bowl why not find out what other objects that sink or float


Do you know the MAKATON sign for bear?

#WinnieThePoohDay #Bear

by Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd. ……….because Speech Therapy Matters