My Voice

This poem was written by Teddy (age 13)


My mouth

My mouth has a voice

The voice is a weapon

A powerful one

One that can say the truth or a lie

One that can hurt or heal

My voice relays my thoughts

My voice tells people what I’m thinking

My voice is a calm sea

My voice is a rough ocean

My voice is a megaphone shouting out my life

My voice can inspire

My voice can destroy or save

My voice is an instrument used to play music of thoughts

My voice can be quiet or loud  

My voice can be kind or nice

But whether it is good or bad

My voice is mine to keep

My mouth is just the gateway

My mouth is the middleman

The real things are my thoughts

The real thing is my voice

Your mouth may be a gateway but what other gateways do we have to share our voice?



Written text

Talker/ device

Communication Book





Sarah Winstanley, Speech and Language Therapist

Communication Lincs Ltd ……….because Speech Therapy Matters