It’s not just Play

When did you last play? When did you last throw yourself into a new experience, let your imagination run wild and have no real expectation of the outcome?

chances are it’s been awhile….

Research suggests we are

  • built to play

  • built through play

So what is PLAY?

  • time spent without purpose

  • all consuming (lose track of time / self)

  • FUN

  • Restorative

  • its for EVERYONE not just for children


  • Don’t feel you have earned it

  • Seen as wasting time

  • Seen as lazy

  • Not enough time

  • Seen as a “guilty pleasure”

  • Need to get back to work

  • Not seen as productive (productivity = self worth)

Girl swinging from railings

Girl swinging from railings

Our brains light up when we play. It helps develop our:

  • logical thinking

  • executive function

  • contextual memory

Play is not a luxury it’s a necessity. Play is the foundation for living in a constantly changing and challenging world.

Play can

  • Energises us

  • Lift us out of the mundane

  • Eases our burdens

  • Renews our optimism

  • Opens us up to new possibilities

Severe Play Deprivation can have life long consequences including

  • increase in stress related diseases

  • increase in depression

  • lower immunity

  • difficulty with cooperation

  • increase in violence/ crime

How can we incorporate JOYFUL activities into all our lives?

You have permission to be PLAYFUL. Everyday seek to find a way to engage in play

  • climb a tree/ rocks/ climbing frame/ a mountain

  • ride a bike

  • play on the trampoline

  • invent games

  • play a board game (focus is on taking part)

  • play hide & seek

  • play tag

  • build a den / fort

  • put on a show

  • be creative

  • water play

  • sand play

  • go explore

  • get lost in a book

  • take time for hobbies

  • create art

  • take on a new challenge just for FUN

Play is a state of mind….. take time to engage in activities that bring you JOY

Two boys playing & climbing on a rock

Two boys playing & climbing on a rock

PLAY MORE…… Your success and happiness depends on it….

Delve deeper into PLAY

Read the book: PLAY - How it shapes the brain, opens the imagination, and invigorates the soul by Stuart Brown


by Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd. …….because Speech Therapy Matters