A mouse took a stroll….

A mouse took a stroll through the deep, dark wood…….

🎶. Pause for a moment

  • what can you hear?

  • how many sounds can you hear?

🖐 How does it feel?

Can you find something that’s:

  • hard

  • soft

  • rough

  • smooth

Is the mud hard or soft?
- What would make it soft and squelchy?
- What would make it hard?

Find something rough and bumpy?
Can you do a tree rubbing using paper 📄 and a crayon 🖍

Find something that feels good to hold - a smooth stone, a pine cone, a stick, a leaf…….

🪞 What can you see?
Put a mirror on a tree trunk or table…. Then look down to look up.
Lie on the ground and look up at the clouds, what shapes can you see?

Smell 👃 & Taste 👅

Rub something between your palms to warm them and release their scent

If edible have a nibble ( try using some different herbs 🪴)

Move 🏃‍♀️

  • roll down a hill

  • go up and down some steps

  • kick up a pile of leaves

  • stretch out your arms and swoop & glide like a bird

  • bounce and jump on some spongy moss

By Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd. …….because Speech Therapy Matters