The SaLT who did a Vault

On #WorldBookDay a little poem written for all those SaLTs who did a vault into the world of tele-therapy.

We looked!

Then we saw her/ him come to a halt!

We looked! 

And we saw her/ him!

The SaLT who did a vault!

And s/he said to us,

So whilst Face2Face is still in our dreams

And we patiently wait for that special day.

I’ve got a few tricks that work on Teams 

I know some good games that we can play

I know everything’s shut 

And we can’t be in the same room.

But there’s no need to be stuck in this rut 

For today we can meet on Zoom

So you don’t need to stay away

Your sessions need not come to a halt.

There’s so many good games we can play 

When you know a SaLT who did a vault


Many thanks to all who guided us through those initial weeks of getting started on the path of online SaLT.
A big thank you to all those who have shared resources and ideas to help keep all our children and young people engaged in SaLT sessions online.

And a massive thank you to all those families and schools who have joined me on this journey through the world of #TeleSaLT

#TeleSaLT #mySaLTday

By Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd. ……….because Speech Therapy Matters