Spring is Coming

Spring is on its way….

Screenshot 2021-02-26 at 16.40.05.png

So let’s Spring into Action and go on a Scavenger Hunt. On your walk:

Listen to

  • birds

  • children playing

  • sticks breaking

  • lawnmover

  • splashing water

What else can you hear?


  • freshly cut grass

  • a flower


  • wind

  • the rain

  • the sunshine

  • some squishy moss

  • grass on your bare feet

  • bark on the tree

Look for

  • animal footprints

  • human footprints

  • fish in the water

  • bird in a tree/ on a bird feeder/ on a wall

  • spring flowers

  • buds on the tree

What animals did you see?

Pretend to be different animals

  • slither like a snake

  • pant like a dog

  • fly like a bird

  • hop like a bunny rabbit

  • gallop like a horse

  • stomp like a dinosaur

  • crawl like a crab

  • jump like a frog

  • Snap like a crocodile

#ImitateBodyMovements #CommunicativeGestures

Play Animal Charades ……….Take turns at guessing what animal everyone is pretending to be.



By Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd. ……….because Speech Therapy Matters